Organizing Committee

Annalisa Pierro

Postdoctoral Researcher in Prof. Malte Drescher's group at the University of Konstanz (Germany). Her research focuses on in-cell applications of SDSL-EPR approach.

Angeliki Giannoulis

Staff Scientist at the Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel) in Prof. Lucio Frydman Lab. Her research is focused on pulsed EPR on chemical and biological systems, as well as DNP.

Alessio Bonucci

Researcher at the Lab. "Bioenergetique et Ingegnerie des Proteines" (CNRS, Marseille) in Prof. Guigliarelli's group. His research is centred on the application and the development of SDSL-EPR methods for structural investigations of biological systems.

Dinar Abdullin

Senior Scientist in the research group of Prof. Olav Schiemann at the University of Bonn (Germany). His research is related to EPR spectroscopy, with a particular interest in method development and applications to metalloproteins.